Linda – Living Single in Retirement Older Women Learning to Create a Better Retirement Life Thu, 15 Dec 2022 03:01:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DO IT TODAY: Getting to Know You Thu, 15 Dec 2022 02:56:11 +0000 Finding and Making New Friends in Retirement.

Often our friends are people we work with or those we connected with through a group or event when we were working. After we retire it can become a challenge to keep the same connections. We may not be able to relate to whatever they are focused on at work.

Sometimes we can feel the loss of our identity after we retire. I know I felt it. Also I moved back to a state I had lived in before, thinking I would reconnect with some old friends. We did get together but it just wasn’t the same. We had gone in different directions.

So how do we find and get to know new friends in retirement?

Being perfectly honest, this will take time and effort. I put this in the category of Do It Today because if you commit yourself to doing something everyday to get to know new ladies retiring or retired, your efforts may become a blessing before you know it.

First, Ask Yourself these questions.

  1. What are you passionate about? What have you always wanted to do when you retired?
    Do you enjoy painting, crafts, the arts, outside activities, starting your own small business? Do you want to find a travel buddy? Are you a movie buff?
  2. Are you looking to connect with other women your age in your area? Out of area? Or online?
  3. How will you get to know each other? By phone, though Zoom calls or meet at a Starbucks?
  4. Are you willing to travel? Maybe for a Meetup with several women retirement age.
  5. What are you looking for in a new friend?

We are drawn to people through conversation. Especially when we discover that we have the same things in common. It’s been more difficult these past couple of years to meet new people at live events and meetings. This has spurred us to create new ways to connect online. But online sources can help us to find places to go to meet new people.

The more we stay home, the less opportunities we have
to make a new friend.

Finding Friends At Events

Your passion will help to guide you in the right direction for meeting new people.

  • Senior Centers
  • Community Activities
  • Join Groups
  • Attend Travel Events
  • Check out near you
  • Church Groups
  • Hiking Groups
  • Local library Reading Groups
  • Facebook Groups
  • Shopping

Other ways to connect with other single, senior women retired or getting ready to retire.

CAN OLDER WOMEN MAKE MONEY BLOGGING? Wed, 08 Jun 2022 10:00:00 +0000 As an older woman myself I have been fascinated with how to make some extra money online with a blog. This fascination has taken me on a journey of learning how technology can work in favor of an aging population to help women create a better retirement life.

Many older women are making money blogging. Some women started blogs to supplement their retirement income. A great many have grown their blogging business to the point of actually surpassing what they earned during their working career. The great thing about the internet and blogging is that the opportunities are unlimited and for everyone.

What is a Blog – Blogging?

The word Blog comes from a combination of the words Web and Log. It is a log of posts (articles) that are published on a website. These articles can be about any subject. But the successful bloggers write on topics that people are actually searching for. They may be looking for answers, tips, products, services or information that will help them with personal or business issues.

Blogging is the activity of someone who regularly posts articles on their website. They know how to link them appropriately and know how to monetize the content in order to make money online.

Is blogging a good way to make money?

Blogging can be a great way to make money online if you are serious about providing helpful content to the public. 

This can be done by writing articles yourself or by hiring someone to write for your blog. I would suggest that you start by doing it yourself for the first dozen articles or more. This will give you a feel for what the focus is for your Blogging business.

How do beginner bloggers make money?

A beginner blogger needs to know how to correctly publish articles with keywords that will rank on Google and other search engines to bring traffic to your blog. This will take some time, so blogging is not a make money fast proposition. 

Once you have a certain amount of traffic coming to your blog, you can start to monetize it. The most common ways to make money is from affiliate links and advertisements placed throughout your site.

Beginner bloggers need to put in the work and be patient. The best outcome from all this work is that it can be on the internet for years to come, possibly bringing in what is called “passive income”. Work that is done one time that you are paid for over and over again.

How much money can I make from a blog?

The amount of money you can make from your blog is limited only by your abilities and your willingness to learn and do the work. If you are looking for a way to make a full-time income, blogging will become a full-time job.

There are people who make 4 and 5 figure incomes per month  from their blog(s) and other people who only make a few dollars. The amount of money you will make depends on how much effort and dedication you are willing to invest. But there is no guarantee that you will make any money.

Choose your target amount of money

First determine how much money you want to earn from blogging. Do you want to make an extra $500 or $1,000 per month in order to supplement your retirement, or are you interested in much more? Maybe you’re planning to take a cruise and you’d like your blog to pay for it.

Match your work with your target goal

Many of us can stay focused on a goal if we can visualize the target goal and keep it in mind with everything we do. For instance, if your first target goal is to make $100 from your blog, tell yourself every time you start to write an article, “this will get me closer to realizing my first $100”.

Remember, there is no guarantee that you will make any money from blogging, however there are steps you can take that will increase your chances for success. If you are willing and able to do what’s required and are patient, the reward of recurring income from your blog can be a realization.

What type of Blogs make the most money?

The most money made from blogs are by large companies like the media giant HuffPost. Regular bloggers can’t even think about trying to compete with them.

The regular bloggers that make the most money know how to select blog topics around their own passion and what the trends are for the day. 

These blogs include;

  1. Lifestyle
  2. Health and Wellness
  3. Fashion
  4. Business
  5. Marketing
  6. Food
  7. Travel
  8. Fun
  9. Music
  10. Do it Yourself (DIY)
  11. Sports
  12. Finance

Is time spent blogging worth it?

Now is a great time to start your blog. With each new year comes lots of new possibilities.

Many single, senior women who are retired now have the time to devote to blogging and creating valuable content that helps people while making money from their experiences and expertise.

If you’re not retired yet, even spending part-time writing articles for your blog will put you further ahead when you do retire.

What should I blog about?

Many blogs in the past were started as a place for the owner of the blog to share about their personal lives.

Today people are searching the internet for answers to a problem or to get information about a specific subject. At some point you may have been asked a question that you didn’t know the answer to and your response was, “Just Google it”. 

Before deciding what to blog about, you should do thorough research to determine what people are searching. Are they interested in your topic?  Do not waste your time writing to please yourself and get lost among the millions of blog websites never to be found again.

How can I start Blogging?

Even older women would like to know how to get started blogging. If you’re new to the online world, it can be difficult setting up your website and doing all the tech stuff that’s needed. This can be easily done with a little help.

Before starting your blog, choose your niche, the main topic of the blog, and determine if it’s a viable niche in which you can make money. You must do your homework first so that you don’t fall prey to competing with other blogs that are out of your league.

How much does it cost to start a Blog?

To get started you will need a content management system (CMS). The best one by far and the most used, is WordPress. I like it because once you purchase your URL (website name) and set up hosting, you own it and have full control over the site.

The cost to start your blog will range somewhere between $50-$200. This will depend on whether or not you choose a free theme or you purchase a custom theme.

The 5 Steps to Start a Blog

  1. Purchase Name (URL) ($4-9.00/year)
    I recommend that you choose a .com (commercial) name and try to get one that is easy to spell and easy to remember and gives a hint of what the blog is about. This may take some time to find names that are not already taken. You can do it now using the search we have available on the sidebar of this page.
  1. Website Hosting ($3.95-$12.00/month)
    Web hosting servers are the space where your blog content will live and be stored while being accessible to everyone on the internet. The cost for hosting can range anywhere from $3.95 – $12.00 per month. 
  1. WordPress Theme (Free or $70/year)
    WordPress is an easy to use content management system (CMS) that is the most popular on the internet. It is a free, open source system that you can use to create your blog. In order to make it look nice, you will need a theme. There are free themes and paid ones. The one I recommend for blogging is Divi. It is fast and easy to use, once you learn how. This is my affiliate link for Elegant Themes, the creator of Divi.
  1. Logo (Free – $200)
    Having a logo for your blog is not required to get started blogging. However you might consider investing in one from the beginning. There are a number of ways you can accomplish this. A brand professional on Fiverr or create one for you or you can do it yourself using Canva is a very popular online, DIY design service you can use for free.
  1. Images (Free – $100+)
    The number one activity you will do on your Blog is to write articles/blog posts. Lots of them. Images will make your posts stand out and encourage people to read them. There are many sources to find images, both free and paid. You will have to decide on your budget for this important part of blogging. Most of us start out using royalty free images.

Why do Blogs fail?

The number one reason blogs fail is that there is not enough quality content produced on their site. Google is now focused on blogs that provide content that is valuable and provides a good “user experience” for the audience.

Many bloggers give up and stop producing content if they are not seeing the dollars come in. Often they gave up just before hitting that right spot to start the flow of traffic.

The Key to having a successful Blog is . . .


What types of Blogs are in demand?

The top blog types cover a wide range of topics within each blog type. In the Health and Fitness niche there may be blogs that focus on healthy eating for busy people. Personal Finance blogs may center their articles around how to save money or how to make more money.

When you select your blog niche, keep in mind that these top blog types are very competitive and may require you to “niche down” in order to be successful. This means to select a niche within the niche. For instance home decor might niche down to home decor makeovers, showing how to flip furniture and make it new. Or Home Decor for families with small children.


Health & Fitness
DIY (Crafting)
Personal Finance (Making Money)
Home Decor

Should I start a Blog or a YouTube Channel?

YouTube has become very popular and I would agree that you can increase your chances for success making money online by developing your own channel.

As a beginner though, I would recommend that you create your blog first. There is much to learn about creating valuable, searchable content and learning how to monetize it. 

When you have about 30 blog post articles on your site, then it may be time to start your YouTube Channel. Keep in mind that both will take knowledge, work and patience.

Also what many YouTuber’s forget is that you do not own your channel and YouTube can shut you down at anytime, for any reason. When you have a WordPress website, you own it and you can build and grow an email list. Then you have a distribution system (email marketing) in which you can promote your blog and/or your YouTube videos.

How do I succeed in Blogging?

To have a very successful blog takes time and commitment. Sometimes people think that if they just create a website with a few posts it will get noticed. This is not a “build it and they will come” business.

You will need to follow the guidance of those who have done it before and can lead you through the right steps to get started and learn what it takes to maintain it. 

Sometimes people give up right at the finish line. If you are committed you will have the stamina it takes to be patient, keep producing valuable content and doing what’s necessary to bring visitors who like what you have to offer.

As you build the “know, like and trust” with your audience, they will be ready to buy from you.

Does anyone read blogs anymore?

According to the latest blogging statistics, people do still read blogs and will almost certainly continue reading them for many years to come. It is estimated that an overwhelming 77% of Internet users report that they regularly read blog posts.

Who is the target audience of my Blog?

Simply put, your blog’s target audience is the group of readers who your blog can help the most. They’re the people who find the most value in your articles and who are most likely to fall in love with your content.

Can I blog about anything?

If you’re blogging for fun and not for money, you can write about anything. If you’re blogging to make money, you will need to be focused on traffic and the best monetization opportunities for the content you are writing.

How do I get noticed on Google?

It takes time to get free traffic from Google and they are changing the requirements each year. Currently Google evaluates how your content answers the questions that people search for.

Although selecting the right keywords for your articles is important, Google’s AI (artificial intelligence) is looking to see who provides the best user experience. Basically who answers the query best.

If you are a beginner blogger take the time to learn as much as you can about search intent and how to optimize your content to position yourself on page one. Be patient, it will take time.

Remember that success is determined by the problems you are willing to overcome.

How often will I post new content?

Posting content at least once a week will get you started. The more articles you write and post, the sooner you will get noticed. That is of course if people are interested in your content and if Google sees it as valuable.

How do I turn my blog into a business?

Turning your blog into a business requires you to make choices about how your business will be set up. If you are not currently making any money from blogging or you make a very small amount, the IRS may consider this to be a hobby. That said, hobbies do not usually get the tax advantages (write offs) that businesses do.

As a beginner Blogger, put your focus on writing lots of blog articles and learning how to get more traffic and how to monetize. Once you’re making some money, setting up your business is next.

Do you want a better standard of living and less financial stress for the rest of your life? Blogging might be the answer.

Get my complete & FREE Blogging Start Up Checklist here . . .

Movie – POMS Thu, 09 Sep 2021 19:23:44 +0000 Feel-Good Comedy

Once again Diane Keaton is beautiful, entertaining and spunky in this “feel-good” movie about a woman who chooses to do what makes her happy while inspiring other retired women to do the same. It runs the gambit of funny, serious, sad and exhilarating. I believe it can inspire us single, senior women to embrace what society tells us was only for a younger time.

It came out in 2019 and I watched it on Netflix. There are probably other streaming services you can find it on or you can purchase the DVD on Amazon.

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TOP 9 WAYS OLDER WOMEN CAN TRAVEL AND MAKE MONEY Mon, 19 Apr 2021 10:00:00 +0000 If you’re dreaming of traveling when you retire but not sure how you can afford it, there are jobs you can do that make it possible for you to plan trips and see the sites as you earn money.

The top 9 ways you can travel and make money are divided into physically demanding jobs and less physically demanding jobs. 

Older women, that is women over 60, are often looking for less physically demanding jobs that they can do to make some extra money for traveling. On the other hand, there are those women who do not mind jobs that require more physical strength and endurance. I have included an overview of both and resources for you to evaluate further.

Physically Demanding Jobs

  1. Travel Companion 
  2. Cruise Ship Worker
  3. Amazon Warehouse Worker
  4. Seasonal Worker
  5. Dog Walker

Less physically demanding jobs

  1. Language Teacher
  2. General Content Creator
  3. House Sitter 
  4. Write for Travel Blogs

First let’s take a look at the requirements for each of these jobs and where you can locate and apply for them. If you are interested in one or two of the jobs, and they say there are no openings, go ahead and create a resume that will get you noticed and send it to the person who makes the hiring decisions. Be sure to follow up with a phone call. Remember you have nothing to lose but could gain the right job allowing you to travel.

Physically Demanding Jobs

1. Travel Companion

Job Description
A travel companion is someone who provides care and companionship for elderly people or children who love to travel. Whether going on a cruise, going to visit family, staying at a resort, attending a business meeting, or attending a special event, like a wedding, travel companions will accommodate their needs. They can help get them to the destination, help them get home, and even help throughout their entire stay. Travel companions can be an escort for someone who needs help traveling by air, land or sea.

Hiring Companies
Home Care Agencies
Travel Websites
Zip Recruiter (search travel companion jobs)
Personal Ads
Senior Centers

Job Requirements
Travel companion jobs may require that you have specific skills. If you’re accompanying an elderly person or someone who has medical challenges you may be required to help with medications, bathing, dressing, toileting and transferring tasks. Pushing a wheelchair up and down hills and for long periods will require strength and stamina.

A travel companion for children is required to be very alert and attentive. Keep the children safe and provide assistance with daily activities, including personal care.  Entertaining the children may also be part of the job.

Some travel companion jobs require professionals, like Registered Nurses. I haven’t found any that specify if their license needs to be current or if they hire retired nurses.

This is a position that you may need to do ongoing searches for. Contact companies that hire for this position, place your Ad on bulletin boards in senior centers, assisted living facilities and churches. Also create an advertisement and place it on sites like Craigslist. 

If you decide to become an independent contractor for this service, it is wise to start a business and have insurance that protects you and your clients.

2. Cruise Ship Worker

Job Description
There are a huge variety of jobs on cruise ships. I discovered All Cruise Jobs, a large job board specifically for the cruise line industry. They post the most current cruise ship job vacancies. 

You can go ahead and search each cruise line separately for available positions, however All Cruise Jobs allows you to find cruise ship jobs that are posted directly by genuine recruiters and employers.

Hiring Companies
All Cruise Jobs
Individual Cruise Lines

Job Requirements
Each job requirement is also shared on All Cruise Jobs website. I encourage you to check out their listings if this interests you.

If you can, try to connect with people who have worked on cruise ships. Check Facebook for any groups to learn more about what it takes and the best ships to work on.

3. Amazon Warehouse Worker

There are many different jobs available at Amazon. The best way to learn which ones interests you is to check out their website for a complete listing. The job descriptions listed here are for the most common ones that they are usually always hiring for.

Pre-Plan Your Trip
Amazon is in every state and many countries. You may want to start working for them in your area first to see if you like the job and then apply for the area you will be traveling to. Also check with their hiring department to see if you can do transfers along your way.

Job Description
FULFILLMENT CENTERS– Work inside an Amazon warehouse, selecting, packing and shipping customer orders. If you like a fast-paced, physical position that gets you up and moving, then come help bring orders to life. Work a set, full-time schedule. Shift options include overnight and days, and usually at least one weekend day.

AMAZON FRESH WAREHOUSES – Amazon Fresh is our grocery delivery service. We offer fresh, frozen, and packaged groceries, so you’ll work in varying climates from room temperature to freezer environments. We will provide you with the right gear to stay warm during the colder parts of your shift. If you need flexibility in your schedule, this job allows you to choose from available shifts each week to create your own.* Flexible hours, a reliable pay rate, and no surprises!

Hiring Companies

Job Requirements

  • Good team player
  • Excellent Communication
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines
  • Enthusiastic, can-do attitude
  • Can follow written instructions
  • Standing and/or walking for long periods of between 8 and 12 hours per shift (standard full-time shifts are 10 hours excluding overtime, flex and part-time shifts may vary)
  • Lifting and moving products 50+ pounds in weight
  • Lifting, bending, reaching above the head, kneeling, crouching, and/or stretching for 8 to 12 hours per shift (standard full-time shifts are 10 hours excluding overtime, flex and part-time shifts may vary)
  • Pushing and pulling product 50+ pounds in weight for 8 to 12 hours per shift (standard full-time shifts are 10 hours excluding overtime, flex and part-time shifts may vary)
  • Manual dexterity of both hands and wrists
  • Working on a secure mezzanine at a height of between 9 to 12 meters (equivalent to a 3 or 4 storey building)
  • Regularly climbing and descending four flights of stairs safely

Amazon jobs are very physically demanding jobs. I worked in the warehouse taking packages off the conveyor belt and placing them on palates that were destined for different areas. After a few months I decided it wasn’t for me due to having constant pain in my back, arms and upper body. 

If you know it will require physical stamina and you are fine with this, the Amazon jobs pay quite well and you can work part-time.

4. Seasonal Jobs

Job Description
Seasonal jobs do not continue year-round. The positions are only available during certain times of the year and are temporary, and usually short-term.

Hiring Companies
Amazon – Holiday season
Lowes & Home Depot- Sales
Department Stores
Workamping Jobs 
Beet Harvest – Oct 1-31
Even the IRS

Job Requirements
Job requirements are specific to each seasonal job you are applying for. In any position most companies like to see some experience but that’s not always the case. As their busy season approaches they may be willing to look at experience that meets most of their requirements.

Seasonal jobs are often in the summer months, however if you like snow activities you can also apply for jobs in the mountains. Where I live in Washington state, Crystal mountain is one that hires for the season and they usually include a season pass for their employees. Great if you love skiing!

If you like traveling by car or RV, many of the camps and national forest areas hire seasonal workers. These jobs go quickly so be sure to apply ahead of their season.

5. Dog Walker / Pet Sitter

Walking dogs and caring for cats can be a very satisfying job if you have a love for animals. In order to earn a good income it’s important to be flexible and available. Consider all options available to you.There are many to choose from.

Job Description
Taking dogs for walks in the city, parks or other nearby areas. Most dog walks start at 30 minutes and go up to 1 hour.

Cats have different requirements. You will check in on them, provide food and water. Play time and cuddle time is great, if the cat will allow it. As you know cats can be pretty independent.

Hiring Companies
Fetch Pet Care
Indeed – check for openings in your area

Job Requirements
You must have a general knowledge of dogs or cats and know when they are in distress. 

  • Have a smartphone
  • Pass a background check
  • Are Flexible
  • Like being outdoors
  • Patient
  • Able to lift 50+ pounds

If you are considering starting your own pet sitting business, a great way to get started and make money until it takes off, is to pet sit for a company. They usually have insurance that will cover you as their employee for unexpected events.

See how Fetch Pet Care takes care of their customers.

Less Physically Demanding Jobs

Now let’s take a look at some of the jobs that are less physically demanding.

6. Language Teacher

Job Description
Online language teaching opportunities are varied. You can work for companies who have the platform set up and will provide you with the curriculum to follow. Some companies will not provide the teaching material. You will either have to create it yourself or purchase it.

Hiring Companies
Dave’s ESL Cafe

Job Requirements
There are online language teaching jobs that do not require teaching certificates or experience, while others do. You will be required to have fast internet connectivity and Zoom, Skype or other online live video connection.

Example: Verbling
Verbling is an online language-learning platform that connects language learners with qualified language teachers for private sessions through live video chat.

  1. What do I need to teach on Verbling?
    You need a laptop or desktop computer with a camera and microphone, the Google Chrome browser, and a strong internet connection.
  1. How do I get students?
    Verbling has built online tools to give you exposure to this community and immediately match you up with new students.
  1. Teaching Material
    If you don’t develop your own content, you might want to consider paying an annual subscription for professional materials. It’s an investment and will save you time in preparation as well as prevent you from having copyright issues.

If becoming a language teacher is something you are serious about I suggest that you do thorough research first. Then select one or two platforms you like and sign up with them to get started. Most of them allow you to choose how often and when you are available to teach. Also you will get paid through their platform.

7. General Content Creator

Job Description
Content creators produce written content for corporations, organizations, small businesses and individuals. Basically, anyone who wishes to have an online presence needs content creation.

General Content Creators have a passion for writing and love exploring different topics. For example: personal development, business, pets, food, health, products, sales. The list is endless. You may also write advertising and marketing text that promotes the content on social media.

Company Jobs:
Job Boards

Freelance Jobs:
The Write Life
Make a Living Writing

Job Requirements
To be successful as a Content Creator, you should have a talent for writing and have digital marketing experience or be willing to learn.

Another job requirement may be that you will need to have great researching skills in order to produce quality, authentic content for the job.

Some companies may require you to also have graphic design abilities, SEO skills and social media experience. You can learn all this as you go.

Do not be discouraged as you embark on becoming a Content Creator. Start by selecting topics of interest and ones you feel confident writing about. Becoming a freelance writer is a good way to dip your toes into this field. If you do a good job, you may get lots of repeat business.

Once you have built your confidence, it may be time to apply for a Content Creator/Publisher job with a large company. That is if you’re looking for more regular work and possibly full time.

8. House Sitter

Job Description

Free Stay
This form of house sitting requires no payment from either party. The homeowner offers their home to a house sitter to stay for free. This is in exchange for basic house sitting responsibilities and very often includes caring for pets.

This “free stay” house sitting service allows you to sit for people in other countries and have free accommodations. Because you are not getting paid, you do not need to apply for a work visa.

Drop In
This service is for those who don’t require much in-home care. House sitters would drop by their home from time to time to provide services such as mail collection, plant watering, and property checks. It may also include feeding fish and cats.

The “drop in” service usually doesn’t pay as high a rate because the necessary tasks are generally minimal.

Pay to Stay
A very common method of house sitting is when a house sitter is paid in exchange for taking care of someone’s home & various necessities. The pay generally averages around $25 – $45 per day. 

This method of house sitting is best for those who require more extensive home care, such as cleaning, pet care, and yard maintenance. This method may or may not require the house sitter to stay on your property during the owner’s time away, but generally requires multiple hours of work per day. (source)

Hiring Companies
Trusted Housesitters
House Sitter Jobs
Zip Recruiter

Job Requirements (source)
You will be responsible for taking care of all aspects of your client’s home. Your duties typically include everything from watering plants and caring for the garden to accepting deliveries. 

You may also need to keep an eye out for suspicious activity in the neighborhood and make sure the home’s security system is working. Some sitters’ responsibilities also include caring for pets. Employers often provide you with accommodation on the property. You can also find these positions at vacation homes.

House sitting can offer you an opportunity to either make money or save money as you travel the world. I recommend that you get started locally to find out if this will be something you’d love to start doing. This will allow you to get some experience and some reviews, setting you up to create a professional profile that gets you more opportunities.

9. Write for Travel Blogs

In my research I discovered that most travel blogs and magazines like to have articles written not only about destinations, events, sightseeing and accommodations. They also enjoy articles from writers who tell a good story.

Paint a picture for the reader about planning, traveling there and how the trip impacted your life, or how it could inspire your reader. There’s an example of this type of writing in Mariellen’s story you’ll find below.

Job Description
Write blog posts, travel articles about a specific type of travel or place. Some magazines will request specific geographic articles be written for their publication that encourage travelers to visit there.

Hiring Companies
Arizona Highways

Tips & Advice for getting started
The Write Life

Job Requirements
Most will require good English and grammar. You are not writing a paper for college so keep in mind that writing for readers online should be concise with 2-3 sentences per paragraph. Include royalty free images, tables, lists and headings. If you cannot provide photos, the employer can pay for the image they would like to use in the article.

You may be given specific keywords to write for the title and to include within the text. What you write needs to be searched by many people as you provide the answer to their query. This is called SEO or search engine optimization. Some companies may require you to provide this for each article you write.

Combining passions like travel and writing can result in you finding exactly what lights your inner fire. You can search for employment opportunities as a travel writer or you can just get started writing your own story and submitting it to travel blogs and magazines for them to publish.
Mariellen Ward tells what happened to her when she was led to travel to India. I love her story that she wrote for Outpost Magazine. I hope it opens your eyes to possibilities that may not be in your thoughts right now. This led her to start her own  travel blog, BreatheDreamGo.

When we travel the path set before us, a whole new world of experiences are waiting. The challenge is which way do I go?
Don’t linger, just take a step…

Happy Travels. See ya down the road!

I hope this information is helpful to you and gives you some ideas of how you can make money while you travel. Next I’ll highlight how you can start your own online business . . . Sign up to be notified when it’s ready.

IS RV NOMAD LIFESTYLE FOR OLDER WOMEN? Mon, 12 Apr 2021 10:00:00 +0000 There has been an enormous growth in the RV industry this past year. After living through the 2020 pandemic and being isolated at home for a year, a lot of us are itching to travel. Older Women who are in their retirement years are asking the question, “Can I buy an RV and become a nomad?”

There are many older women who own and travel in a variety of RV’s (Recreational Vehicles). Whether it’s a big Class A or a smaller Van, even if it’s not self contained.
Some of these older women live full time in their RV and are called Nomads. Other women only travel part-time and continue to maintain a home-base. You can learn more about why some choose this lifestyle, from this very popular new movie called Nomadland.

What is an RV Lifestyle?

An RV lifestyle is when one or more people live in an RV and travel from place to place either part-time or full-time. RV’s can be vans, small or large recreational vehicles, travel trailers, buses and even box vans that have been converted to become self contained.

What is a Nomad?

A nomad is someone who wanders, moves around, instead of living in one place. The nomad community compares having a “sticks and bricks” home versus having a home on wheels.

Many full time nomads follow the sun. They like to travel to locations that have constant temperatures in the 70’s.

What is a Nomad Lifestyle?

Living a nomad lifestyle is a choice. It usually starts with a person making a decision to live on the road. This requires a shift from living in a house to living out of an RV, a van or other vehicle. Some nomads even live out of cars.

Notice the words “out of”. Nomads will tell us that they don’t live in their RV’s they live outside. This provides them with a new back or front yard view every time they change locations. It is also one of the reasons they choose this lifestyle.

Are Nomads homeless?

A nomad is not homeless. They are houseless, without a fixed, physical address. Depending on where a nomad will travel to next, they often will use a mail forwarding service and have mail sent from their home state to where they are currently located.

Can you RV and not become a nomad?

The answer is yes, you certainly can. There are many senior women who like to travel in their RV but still maintain their sticks and bricks home. One such senior, named Terry, discovered that she likes to travel and follow the sun and then go back home. A full time nomad life is not for her.

What are the advantages to being a Nomad?

  • Opportunities to travel
  • Learning to live on less
  • Usually cost less than rent
  • Live a compact life  
  • Make lots of new friends
  • Can join many communities
  • Enhanced living through new experiences
  • Go anywhere the road takes you
  • Learn new cultures
  • Eat new foods
  • Participate in festivals
  • See beautiful wildlife
  • Follow the sun

According to some estimates, ⅓ of all RVer’s are Solo Women.

What are the disadvantages to being a Nomad?

  • Moving all the time
  • Sometimes a lack of private space
  • Can become lonely
  • Space inside is limited
  • Price of gas fluctuates
  • A budget is required
  • Must save money for the unexpected
  • Downsizing can cost
  • Repairs may be needed
  • Constant cleaning

What are the challenges of becoming a Nomad?

  • Planning ahead for a move
  • Establishing a routine
  • Staying organized
  • Choosing your community
  • Researching your next location
  • Eating healthy
  • Getting exercise
  • Becoming good at packing

What is the best RV for older women?

When choosing the best RV as an older woman, you must take into consideration access and movement. How much lifting, pulling, pushing and labor will be required of you as you live in that RV. Is there enough storage and can you reach it?

Some older women have said that they just cannot do any heavy tasks any longer. No worries. They know the importance of purchasing a very good maintenance plan and have access to people who can help them. That’s one positive about making friends in the nomad community. They help each other.

Another important consideration when choosing an RV is to choose one that you feel safe in. Can you get in the driver’s seat quickly and leave if necessary?

Check out Kathy’s rig and how she travels.

Resources For Solo Women RVers

Robin from Creativity RV shares why she became a nomad and shares some information about how to start an RV life. Her book and videos will help you decide if this lifestyle might be right for you.

Another Resource

Another YouTuber that has much to offer single, senior women who are interested in the RV, Nomad lifestyle is Amber of Story Chasing. Here she talks about her last 4 years on the road and the many experiences she’s had, good and bad. At the time of this writing she tells us that she just turned 50 (which she doesn’t look like). She is an inspiration to all women who want to travel solo and shows us how it can be done.

IS HOUSE SHARING A GOOD CHOICE FOR OLDER WOMEN IN RETIREMENT? Mon, 05 Apr 2021 10:00:00 +0000 Many of us baby boomer women remember the 1980’s TV show “The Golden Girls”. It was so popular and is still in reruns today. But the concept of house sharing has been around for years and is known by many other names; Home Sharing, Shared Housing, Living in Community, Sharing Housing, Your Quest for Home and the Golden Girls Home.

What is House Sharing?

House sharing is exactly what the title says, sharing a house (a home) with other unrelated women (people). The Golden Girls TV show gave us a glimpse of what living together with other women of retirement age might be like. 

Many single, senior women are looking for ways to improve their retirement lives and sharing a house with other women their own age can be a great alternative to living alone. There are many benefits for choosing this lifestyle.

Is House Sharing a good idea for senior women?

Almost half of senior women who are baby boomer age are living alone or will at some time in their life. Most of us agree that life is much sweeter when we have someone to share it with!

As we get older we are more vulnerable to things like falls, getting sick, needing to have medical procedures and maybe just someone to pick up medications and groceries.

Senior women who are single and living alone run the risk of not receiving help when they need it. Laying on the floor waiting for help to arrive can take days and it’s a scary situation to be in.

When you live with a housemate(s) you can feel confident in knowing that you will not suffer in silence. Also, there is comfort in knowing that we’re in this together and can be there for each other.

There are 3 main reasons why older women like the idea of house sharing in retirement and the benefits.

Companionship – Health & Safety – Economy

CompanionshipHealth & SafetyEconomy
Prevents loneliness.In case of a fall.Reduced living expenses.
Someone to talk to and laugh with.Knowing someone will be  there when you get home.Saves you money for travel or other indulgences.
Possibly a friend to travel with.Someone to help you remember things.Allows you to live in a nicer home.
Prevents you from retiring from life.Someone to notice physical changes.Someone to share the cost of  travel adventures.
Have someone to share a meal with.Better sleep knowing you’re not alone.Ability to have more luxuries in your retirement.

House Sharing can offer you more choices

As we retire we may be faced with the question, where and how do I want to live in my retirement years.  Many of us are downsizing our homes and making plans. Maybe you’d like to travel, move near your grandchildren or retire to sun country. 

If you’re a woman living alone, you might want to find someone around your own age to share a house with and create a home together. Maybe even invite more women to join you, if the home is big enough to accommodate everyone’s needs.

There is a growing interest among senior women for house sharing and new resources online are popping up to help us search for houses and housemates.

Videos about House Sharing

Here are two videos that will give you examples of women sharing housing. It appears that Canada and the UK are way ahead of the US when it comes to senior women moving in together to share a home.

As you watch how other senior women have created a better retirement life by house sharing, it may ignite a spark in you to pursue this lifestyle for yourself.

Will House Sharing save me money?

Having housemates saves money on monthly expenses because you usually split the cost on everything; rent, utilities and possibly food. This can allow you to have extra money to save for a trip, buy things you’ve been wanting or pay for your medications more easily.

What will I get if I Share Housing?

Why live the rest of your life alone? When you have a housemate you’ll know someone is expecting you to come home and if something happens to you they will be there to help. Plus the companionship will help you to live a long, healthy, happy life.

How does House Sharing work?

There are many details to consider in order to protect everyone who enters into a house sharing lifestyle. The first and most important is finding and keeping good housemates.

I believe that many of us older women haven’t jumped in because of a concern about the possibility of getting the “roommate from hell”.

Annamarie Pluhar’s book,Sharing Housing is a practical guidebook that spells out the process of finding and keeping good housemates and how to live comfortably and harmoniously together.

Renting a Room vs Sharing a House

Someone who rents a room in your house is called a lodger. They may or may not have access to use other areas of your home. Everything depends on the agreement you prepare and both of you understanding boundaries.

Sharing a House is different in design because, although you are considered housemates, you often share in all the details of creating a home together.

In some cases all the bills, food and maintenance are expenses that you share equally. Others may choose to keep everything separate. It’s up to you how you design your house sharing opportunity.

How do I get started House Sharing?

Before looking for a housemate you must answer some questions about you and your potential housemate. Are you going to share all parts of the house or limit access to certain rooms? Are visitors and overnight guests ok with you? Will you share food? What about cleaning, who does what? Is being neat and clean all the time a priority to you?

I most definitely recommend Annamarie Pluhar’s book, “Sharing Housing”, because she has had housemates most of her life and has a complete guide that includes lists for you to consider yourself first and your likes, dislikes and what you want in a housemate. 

There are more resources listed below.

Search for House Share Opportunities

Are you looking to become housemates with another single, senior woman? Sign up for our newsletter and be notified when others, in the area you choose, are also looking for housemates. 

Your information will be kept confidential and only shared with your permission when connecting you with other single women also looking, after you respond to our email. We do not sell leads or screen anyone, so it is your responsibility to do this pre-screening yourself.

You will also receive value information to help you on your journey towards House Sharing.


If you are interested in finding and connecting with a House Sharing opportunity in Arizona, please sign up and we’ll send you the details. If you’re serious, complete our interest form and we will call you with more details. Currently we have the Sun City, AZ location available.


ONTARIO, CANADA – Senior ladies living together –

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WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE AND WORK FROM HOME Mon, 22 Mar 2021 10:00:00 +0000 What are some ways I can make money online and work from home?

The best ways for making money online allowing you to work from home will depend on several factors. First consider your current skills and then what are you willing to learn in order to capture that great job that you would love doing. Research many ways to make money and find one that will suit you best.

Can I make money online?

Many people are making money online and working from home. You will need to create the right situation for yourself either by searching out companies or small businesses who need the services that you offer or by signing up as a freelance worker and waiting to bid on jobs.

Working online does require that you have some tech skills. You will also need to have a good internet connection. You may need to know how to communicate through online platforms like Zoom or other meeting services as companies will require you to become part of the team.

The level of your skills, abilities and willingness to learn will determine what kind of online job you can get and how much you will be paid.

What kind of work can I do from home?

You can find opportunities for many different kinds of work that you can do from home. Some of these jobs require you to be on your computer throughout the day working online and some you can combine offline work with online work. 

Virtual Assistant

  • Email/Calendar Management
  • Customer Service
  • Social Media Management

Travel Agent/Advisor

  • Group Travel
  • Disney Specialist
  • Cruise Advisor
  • Solo Travel Agent


  • eBooks/Print Books
  • Blogs
  • Website Content
  • Writing Online Courses

Graphic Design

  • Canva & other

Internet Marketing

  • Content Creator
  • Design Landing Pages
  • Marketing Plan/Implementation

Financial Management/Support

  • Bookkeeping
  • Tax Planning
  • Statements
  • Spreadsheets

Online Store

  • Sell sewing projects
  • Sell jewelry   
  • Furniture flipping
  • Find and sell antiques


  • Start your own blog
  • Write for blogs
  • Edit and upload content for bloggers
  • Create sales and landing pages
  • Write email campaigns

What skills do I need to get an online job?

You may need some additional training to be eligible for some jobs. By combining your skills and your completion of specialized training you will have greater opportunities for online jobs.

Training Programs

There are jobs where you work from your home using your computer and phone to communicate with your clients. When you have completed a training program for your chosen field, it gives you more credibility with potential clients.

Type of JobOnline Training
Virtual AssistantThe Virtual Savvy, Expert VA
Travel Agent/AdvisorWonderlust CEO , KHM Travel Group
Writing and EditingFreelance Writers Den
Graphic DesignShaw Academy
Internet MarketingGoogle Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Where can I find job listings online?

To find online jobs it’s a good idea to subscribe to websites that can connect you with businesses or individuals who are looking for qualified people to fill their positions.

Check out some job listing sites for online or remote jobs that might be of interest to you. I was surprised about the number of professional jobs that are now available to work from home. – – – – – –

What are some creative ways to make money online?

If you are a creative person and you enjoy working with your hands you can make money online selling your crafts and handmade items. Sell them on your own store or list them for sale on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace.

Handmade items that sell

  • Masks
  • Specialized clothing
  • Aprons
  • Table Cloth/Table Runners
  • Jewelry
  • Paintings
  • Scarves/Hats
  • Quilts
  • Knitted/Crochet Blankets
  • Furniture

Many YouTubers sell their creations in their own online store and actually show you how they created them on their YouTube Channel. These ladies show you how to take Dollar Tree or items found at thrift stores and turn them into modern decor.  KraftsbyKatelyn, Creative on the Cheap, Whiskey & Whit

Resell thrifted items

There are many people who frequent their local Goodwill, Salvation Army, Dollar Stores, thrift stores and estate sales to buy items that might be good to resell. Occasionally they find very valuable paintings or glassware that can bring a nice return.

If you’re interested in this method of making money online, check out Dr. Lori. She is a PhD Antiques Appraiser and provides tips about antiques on her YouTube channel. For instance, I didn’t know that some costume jewelry is valuable.

I found a YouTube channel from a young woman who was refinishing furniture she had thrifted. She shows how she took old, outdated furniture and made it new and more modern. She was doing this to pay off her student loan debt. This is very clever and is netting her a nice weekly payday. Furniture Flipping Teacher

Flipping returned furniture

If you like putting furniture together, here’s a great idea. It shows how many ideas there are for making money working from home. 

Buying furniture that has been returned, for instance from Wayfair, and putting the item together, is another unique way to make extra money. This YouTuber will show you how they purchased 2 items from a Direct Liquidator for $50 each and resold them for a profit of $300. Have a look at how Jamie and Sarah  did it.

How do I make money online as a beginner?

Making money online with a job working for someone else can provide you with income faster than starting an online business. If you need to make money fast, look for job opportunities. If you are willing to invest time and money in your own business, realize that this will take much longer.

Beginners who want to work online should invest the time and make the effort it takes to find the right kind of job. If you don’t have the skills needed right now, do not give up. Simply find an online training course that will give you what you need to land a good online job.

Many ladies who started creating a business online often had a full-time job and worked online in their spare time. Some people had savings or other income coming in that afforded them to go all in and start the path towards making money online, working from home.

How do I find out what my passion is so I can work from home?

You’ve probably heard this before, choose work that you are passionate about. That sounds great, however what do we do when our passion becomes more about the work and we become less passionate about it?

Working from home is not all roses, coffee and meditating. It is what it says, working and it will take discipline to get the things done that are needed to actually make money online. Even employers who hire remote workers expect to see results.

Businesses that offer services or products do so to solve problems and enhance lives. Imagine life without YouTube. It would take a lot longer to learn by reading only. Now we have the option of both, the written content, vision and verbal content.

The most important trait you need when working from home, is an attitude of help, giving value and time discipline.

Best of Luck on your journey towards working online from home!

RETIREMENT LIFESTYLE CHOICES FOR SINGLE, SENIOR WOMEN Mon, 15 Mar 2021 10:00:00 +0000 What type of lifestyle do I want in retirement as a single, senior?

Ask yourself, do you want to become more active, now that you have the time? Perhaps you’d like to do some travel or visit friends and family. Are you considering a move, maybe to sun country? 

Retirement Lifestyle choices for single, senior women are not really any different than for couples. It just means that you are no longer working your full time job and now you can choose how you want to fill the hours of each day. 

Retirement Lifestyle choices may mean that you will have to decide wisely if you have less money to live on and you might need to do some kind of work. Many single, senior women like to have part-time jobs after retiring not only for the money but to keep themselves busy and around other people. Some ladies even start new businesses.

What does lifestyle mean for me as a senior woman?

According to Wikipedia, Lifestyle is defined as interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture. … The broader sense of lifestyle means a “way or style of living” and has been documented since 1961. Lifestyle is a combination of determining intangible or tangible factors.

In simple terms, lifestyle is the choices you make for how and where you want to live as a single, senior woman in your retirement years.

What is an example of lifestyle?

A very popular lifestyle for retirees is to live in a community where there are others of the same age and interest. These retirement communities have lots of activities to choose from. One of the oldest is in Sun City, Arizona. There they offer many ways for you to get involved in activities and be around others. Choose; tennis, inside and outside board games, swimming, exercise, arts and crafts, travel, entertainment. Sometimes there are even have part-time jobs you can apply for.

What are types of lifestyle?

You choose your retirement lifestyle based on what inspires you and what makes you happy.

  • Are you drawn to an active lifestyle?
  • Is health and wellness a priority?
  • Do you like living in the city or the country?
  • Maybe you’re considering living abroad.
  • Do you want to travel and become a nomad?
  • Would you like to live in community (once called communes)
  • Shared Housing may be a lifestyle you’d like to explore. 
  • Sailing around the world could be your passion?
  • Living in a Tiny House community is gaining popularity.
  • Apartments for 55+ with security are attractive to some.
  • Mobile home living. Perhaps becoming a snowbird.

There is no limit to the type of lifestyle available for you to choose. Knowing you can change your mind and choose something else at anytime will give you peace of mind. In this world nothing is exempt from change.

What are the best places for single, senior women to retire?

The best places for single, senior women to retire will depend on your likes and dislikes. Each state will offer you something different. So it becomes important for you to research and even visit the area before moving. Talk to local realtors, other local businesses and other single seniors to determine if it will be a fit for you and the lifestyle you desire.

States Single Women LikeFun in the Sun
Austin, TexasShops, walking, music venues, food
FloridaBeach, golf, food, entertainment
ArizonaGolf, lakes, activities, hiking
Palm Springs, CAShopping, golf, bike rides

How can I enjoy my retirement alone?

Retiring alone allows you to make decisions about the type of lifestyle you want to live. Embrace the changes that will occur when you stop your working life. This is the time to relax and not make any big decisions. Take some time to determine what makes you happy and where you want to live and the people you want to be around.

Is living alone expensive?

When you live alone you do not have another person to share in the cost. This includes basic living expenses; rent, utilities, cable, food, etc. It is because there is only one income coming in. 

Very often singles do pay more for things like cruises and hotels. For instance, if you’d like to have your own cabin on a cruise, you will pay more than a couple would. The justification is that the cruise line would make more money charging a couple for the same space. This is also true for hotels.

One way single, senior women are reducing their cost of living is by house sharing. The old “Golden Girls” lifestyle is becoming more popular today. It gives us peace of mind knowing that someone will be there when we get home or miss us if we don’t get home. We help each other when needed and have extra money to do the fun things in our retirement life.

Is living alone scary?

It can be scary when you live alone. Feeling safe and secure at home is at the top of the list for single, senior women. We want to live in a place that has low crime, very responsive emergency services and secure surroundings.

Safety First

If you are planning to relocate to another state, do some research first. The information is readily available online today and you can check things like services you will need to keep you safe. For more specific information do a search of the city and state you are interested in living. Also local realtors can help with detailed information.

Community Safety

Crime Reports

Traveling Abroad

What are types of lifestyle?

Types of lifestyle examples are; active, solo, nomadic, rural, urban, healthy, bohemian, 

Types of lifestyle should include details about how you want to live.

  • Living alone
  • Shared Housing
  • Living with family
  • Living in community
  • Retirement living

There are many other details you should include that will encompass what type of lifestyle you choose.

  • Location
  • Type of home
  • Travel
  • Activities
  • Social life
  • Spiritual life

What are the disadvantages of living alone?

Some senior women have said that they get very lonely living alone. This can lead to health problems and a shortened lifespan unless you make an effort to find and join a community. Get yourself lots of girl friends and other friends and participate in life. Do not isolate yourself. We need each other in good times and bad.

How long does it take to adjust to retirement?

Adjusting to retirement is different for everyone. Sometimes our identity is linked to our job or title and after we retire it’s normal to feel lost and forgotten. This may be a reason for you to start something new. As they say, reinvent yourself. 

There are women who have planned for the day and couldn’t wait to change everything about their lives. They purchased an RV, sold their home and took to the road. It was a passion for them and now they could actually live it.

If you’re not sure what you want in your retirement, the best advice I was given is to do nothing. Give yourself time, 6 months to a year, to decide, plan and then take action.

Is living alone bad for your health?

There are statistics that tell us that people who live alone and become sedentary do not live as healthy or as long as couples or people living in community.

What is a Retirement Lifestyle Plan?

A lifestyle plan is a written plan that covers the details for the type of life you want to live in retirement.

The purpose of the plan is to create a balance between what is important to you and what you can afford. You will then be able to search for opportunities to get the most out of your retirement life while satisfying most of your desires. 

Retirement lifestyle planning should not only include financial plans but also lifestyle choices. It takes time, thought and research. Write everything down as you go using our Retirement Lifestyle Planning Guide.

FREE Retirement Lifestyle Planning Guide
DOES BEING SINGLE CHANGE THE WAY I AGE? Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:00:00 +0000 As I sit here looking at a beautiful beach watching people go by, older people interacting with younger people, I started to wonder, does being single change the way I age?

If you are a person who is worried about aging and how you will cope with the changes, that stress alone could actually change the way you age and shorten your lifespan. On the other hand, if you have addressed your concerns, you have created a detailed plan for the “what if’s” of aging and you are living a happy retirement, researchers say these are the people who will live longer, healthier lives.

Aging Attitude

There is some truth to that old saying, “age is just a number and you’re only as young or old as you feel”. Some days I feel like 100 and other days I dance around like I’m still 32.  Maybe changing our attitude about aging by starting our days thinking and saying out loud, I’m looking good at 32 today and ready for what’s coming my way. Then wait for the feelings to catch up.

Senior, Single Lady Aging in a Nursing Home

I once took care of a delightful 95 year old woman in a nursing home who got up everyday, dressed, got into her wheelchair and asked what’s the plan for today. She had a wonderful attitude about life. 

So I asked her how she managed it. She told me that everyone close to her was gone. Her husband, all of her children, brothers and sisters and even all her friends. She said I don’t know why I’m still here, but here I am. So I just make the best of it and try to put a smile on someone’s face each day. Maybe that’s why she lived so long.

But the fact is that there are certain aspects to aging that we cannot ignore. Primarily the changes that will occur in our bodies. 

Having spent most of my career in healthcare taking care of older people I realized that many women are not prepared for all of the changes that will come and have not written their preferences for their last chapters of life. 

If you are retired or getting ready to retire and are a single woman, now is the time to get prepared and start making your list. This is not a subject to avoid.

Is Aging a Problem?

Bodily Changes
There are many problems associated with aging. As our bodies slow down and begin to lose the abilities it once had, our challenges start with basic functions. For instance, one example is a simple thing like taking a Tylenol might take twice as long to work. Why? Because our digestive system is much slower after a certain age, experts say 65, but I believe it is different for everyone and based on lifestyle, disease and genetics.

Healthcare Crisis
Another problem that is associated with our aging population is the strain on our healthcare system. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, “there are 22 million women today, one in five adult women, who rely on Medicare for basic health insurance protection. In fact, women comprise 57% of the Medicare population”. This number is expected to grow in the coming years.

Long-Term Care
The longer we live, the more the need for care. By 2030, 1 out of 5 Americans will be retirement age. As the population ages, we will have an unprecedented number of senior citizens who will need care and an increasing cost of long-term healthcare. No wonder we are worried, but there are ways to get prepared for our own needs.

What are 3 Types of Aging?

  1. Biological Aging – “breakdown of aging occurs as you gradually accumulate damage to various cells and tissues in the body” (source)
  2. Psychological Aging – emotional changes, thought life, possible depression
  3. Social Aging – Isolation, loss of family & friends, belonging to community

How fast or slowly we age depends on so many factors but experts seem to use the term “maintain” when referring to the best cases for good health. Maintain good eating habits, maintain a regular exercise program, maintain good sleep habits and more. I know, it’s easier said than done.

As a single, senior woman you have reached a milestone in your life just by getting here. Bravo to you!

I’m sure you have learned a lot about health and wellness and heard the health professionals spout different opinions along the way. In all my experiences working as a nurse with elderly single women, what stands out is this. The lovely ladies who lived the longest and seemed to handle everything with grace and dignity were the ones who had the best attitude.

At What Age do You Start to Look Old?

Some people look old at 40, while others don’t look old until their 80’s. It depends on several factors; lifestyle, attention to health & wellness, getting regular exercise and protecting your skin. Then there are those people who are lucky enough to be born with great genes!

What are Some of the Signs of Aging?

Face and Eyes
The first signs of aging often occur in the face. We notice our skin sagging, wrinkled neck, eyelids become thin and wrinkle making it difficult to apply eye makeup. Some have a genetic predisposition to have droopy eyelids called hooded eyes.

Another noticeable sign of aging is when the skin becomes crappy. We lose the fatty layer underneath the skin and it becomes thin and crepe paper like wrinkled. Some ladies begin seeing spider veins on their legs.

Osteoarthritis is a common sign of aging. Swollen, painful joints of the hands and feet are the first noticed and some experience pain in their hips.

Osteoporosis is commonly known as brittle bone disease. This is something that is screened for every year or two to ward off a high potential for fractures. This is why it’s very important to do weight bearing exercises throughout life.

The less we move, the less we will be able to move. Stretching exercises help to maintain flexibility as we age.

Responding to Aging

This process of aging is not something we can change. Oh, we can try the latest anti-aging products and have cosmetic surgeries, but this will not stop it. I don’t pay much attention to it until I look in the mirror and say, “Wow, who is that old woman looking back at me?” How did I change so much?

It can be depressing but the people who cope the best with aging are those women who make taking care of themselves a priority. They eat healthy foods, get exercise and are involved in their communities. Most of all, they have a positive attitude and that actually makes them look younger. Maybe you’ve known some women like this?

Does Age Define Us?

In some cultures the older people are revered and held in high esteem. Here in the states a common thought is that older people are a burden and after a certain age not important any longer.

Everyone will get old, if we’re lucky. You are the only one who can define you. If you think of yourself as old and obsolete, then you are. If you still feel vital and believe you have more to contribute in life, then cheers to you for making a difference.

Hanging Out with Older People

I once met a young woman who was my daughter’s age. She liked to hang out with me and I couldn’t figure out why. She told me it was because I didn’t seem as old as my actual age. “You seem so much younger,” she said.  I did enjoy hearing about her escapades and giving her some advice from my life experiences. It was fun for both of us and this friendship did make me feel younger.

This is a good example of why being friends with people of all ages is good for our health and may give us that boost we need to still feel vibrant. It is highly recommended for all solo senior women to hang out with someone younger.

Is Aging Different for Single Women?

Yes, aging can be different for women who are single. Anxiety and worry about who will help us when we need it and will I have enough money to pay for care, takes its toll on us. Some things that contribute to anxious aging we can take control over.

  • Stress – There have been studies that show continued stress ages us much faster and can in fact cause health problems that may shorten our lives.
  • Worry – If we are constantly worried about issues in life, it will be hard to stay focused on how to create a better retirement life. As you know worry has never changed anything, accept possibly our health.
  • Isolation – Humans are social creatures so isolating ourselves from other people also carries some risk of shortening life expectancy.  It is important to make the effort to get out and connect with others.
  • Lack of community – not connecting with like-minded people near you. Community won’t come to you, you must go to it. Search in your area for groups you’d like to participate in.
  • Negative, self-defeating thoughts – Letting our thoughts bring us down or prevent us from doing things we love.
  • Dreaming of days gone by – Reliving the past will also stop us from moving forward to what life has to offer.

What is Important to Consider as I Age Alone?


  • What will I do if I have a stroke alone?
  • What if I fall and break a hip?
  • How will I get help?

Care Needs

  • Who will take care of me?
  • How will I pay for care?
  • Who will manage my finances?
  • What will happen to me if I can no longer drive?
  • Will I have to move?
  • Where will I live if I can no longer live alone?
  • Do I  need a will?
  • Who will I leave my money and my possessions to?
  • Who will follow my wishes?
  • Who will be my spokesperson when I’m not able?
  • Who will follow my living will?

There are many decisions to make as you prepare for the aging process alone, so much more than just a living will. It is wise to learn from the experiences of others and plan for possibilities.  A new comprehensive guide for single, senior women, PREPARING FOR OLD AGE ALONE , is being published. If you’re interested, subscribe here and we’ll notify you when it’s available.

IS IT SAFE FOR SINGLE, SENIOR WOMEN TO TRAVEL ALONE? Mon, 01 Mar 2021 10:00:00 +0000 Single, senior women who want to travel are concerned about one thing. They say, “I love to travel but I’m afraid. Is it safe for senior women to travel alone?”. Although most singles consider safety first when planning a trip, for older women it is even more of a concern.

Is traveling alone safe for single women?

It can be safe for senior women to travel alone if, you plan ahead with safety in mind first, and get prepared. Yes, you can travel alone with confidence.

Is traveling alone scary?

Sometimes it can be scary when you’re away from the familiar, especially when you’re staying in large cities and not sure you’re in the right place or how to get back to your hotel.

It’ s not a good idea to be out after dark unless you’ve become very familiar with the area you’re visiting and you feel comfortable. Some city areas are not well lit at night so you might ask the locals where you should avoid. 

Have a good map of the city you’re in with you before going out. I know we all have smart phones that can help with navigation but part of planning ahead is to be prepared if your cell phone battery runs out. You can usually get maps at travel centers or the front desk of your hotel.

Where is the safest place in the US for single women to travel?

According to a 2018 article by Trip Advisors, the top 3 safest cities to travel alone are; 

  1. Sedona, Arizona
  2. Denver, Colorado
  3. San Diego, California.

In reality, the safest place in the US for single women to travel is the place that you have researched well, prepared ahead for what you need and you’re comfortable with your choice.

Every year the safety reports of cities in the US changes. For instance the recent rise of homeless tent cities and aggressive protesters in some areas of Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle may not be safe or enjoyable. That doesn’t mean that those states don’t offer single women beautiful adventures in travel. Check out the Lavender Festival in Sequim, Washington or if you like the beach, one of my favorites is Canon Beach, Oregon

When planning your trip, stay abreast of the local news. You can get an app for your phone to get local news easily and as frequently as you want. For instance if you’d like to travel to Arizona for some fun in the sun, or to play golf, get the ABC15 news app. It’s short, gives the weather report and has few ads.

Do a search for the state you will be traveling to and read their current report on safety. Then ask people you may know, you may meet, or connect with online who have traveled to that area or who lives there.

What do I need to get prepared for safe travel?

Important Documents

You’ll need to have the minimum ready as you start to prepare for your trip. Lay out the documents and cards you’ll need with you and take pictures of them just in case they get lost or stolen. Some ladies even have back ups hidden away.

  • Passport
  • Drivers license or ID Card
  • Credit and Bank cards
  • Cross body purse or Backpack (this may help you identify it)
  • Extra money, hidden (travelers checks aren’t used much anymore)
  • Medications packed in carry on luggage and extra’s in any suitcase or backpack. For some medications (narcotics) you may need to carry your doctors prescription with you as proof you’re not smuggling drugs. Take photos of the labels in case you need to get a new supply.
  • Have a written record of your phone contacts in case your phone is stolen or lost.

I suggest that you upload all the valuable information and photos of them to your Google Drive that comes with all google email accounts (or cloud storage if you have it). That way if you lose your phone, passport or purse you can always get copies from any computer. You might also include any insurances or other documents that are important.

Safety First

How do I protect myself when traveling alone?

Very often a search for travel protection will result in information about travel insurance, which might be good to have. These tips are for the single, senior woman to plan for their physical safety. As packing space is usually limited, we want to have things that are small, lightweight and easy to carry with us.

There are many personal protection items for travel safety that you can choose.. Here’s a list of some of the items that won’t take up much room in a backpack or purse but very nice to have when you need them. You’ll find them reasonably priced on Amazon.

  • Travel Clean Kit (masks, gloves, wipes)
  • Mini First Aid Kit (when you need bandages)
  • Personal Safety Alarm for Women (loud alarm if attacked)
  • Red Pepper Gel Spray (goes farther and sticks, no back-spray)

Sleeping Safety

Another common concern is safety at night, while you’re sleeping. There are devices you can get that will stop potential intruders from coming into your room. Be careful, as they will also limit access to emergency staff. This is one example;

This portable door lock takes up little room in your suitcase and is easy to use. The current cost is under $15 on Amazon.


Is there a safe travel checklist I can follow?

Yes. I recommend the Travel Checklist Journal. It will help you stay organized before your trip, keep information you may need handy and you can write a journal of your travels. It’s currently only $7.95 on Amazon.

Where do single, senior women like to travel safely in the US?

As a senior woman who is single and wanting to travel alone, first decide, what do you enjoy most about any trip? What do you enjoy doing when on vacation? Here are a few ideas women have shared.

What do you like?Liked by manyCheck these out
Hiking/Walking TripsWashington, Colorado, Oregon, Utah Walking Adventures,
Planet Ware
Sunshine/GolfCalifornia, Arizona, FloridaTrip Advisors
History/Old Town Atmosphere/MuseumsArizona, Colorado, Burlington, Colorado; AZ Historical Society
CruisesCaribbean out of Florida, Alaska1.Celebrity Cruise Line, 2. Royal Caribbean 3. Norwegian,
Camping/RVingNational Forest, US Campgrounds, Boon-docking on BLM LandEscapees, RVillage, 50+ Single RV’ers on FaceBook,
Van Travel72 yr old SOLO Female Van Traveler Tour of this Golfers Van
Riverboat ToursPortland to ClarkstonUSA River Cruises

How do I find the best places for solo female travel in 2021

Having gone through a pandemic in 2020, which has adversely affected the travel industry, as a solo senior traveler you will have to decide what is best for you. It has been recommended that we focus our travel here in the United States. Be aware that you will need to check with your intended destination to find out if there are any restrictions in place.

I have traveled to many foreign places in my life but have always felt that there was so much of America that I haven’t seen and experienced. This book will help you to decide where the next adventure will be. It’s a great resource to have.

This national geographic book was illustrated in 2017. Paperback is currently only $13.06 on Amazon.

Should I use a Travel Company to plan my safe, solo travel in 2021

Many women traveling alone may want to visit places with a group. Travel Companies who specialize in solo travel are a great way to get started. They offer safety in numbers which may give you a little more secure way to travel.

What Does a Travel Company provide for Singles?

Travel tours for singles usually have a guide who goes with the group. This gives you security in knowing that you have someone to go to for whatever you need.

How Is a Travel Company for Singles Different From a Regular Travel Company?

They design their trips around a specific group type and the destination. For instance an International Travel Company might cater to single, retired women who want to learn how to make pasta on a trip to Italy. Sounds yummy to me and don’t forget the wine!

What is the best singles travel company?

I’m not sure who or how they are voted as the best, but these are coming up at the top of the list.
Singles International

Should I join a Solo Women’s Travel Group?

The number one reason we join groups is for the support we get. Having leaders and other travelers to ask questions of, get directions or find a travel buddy is a great feeling.

Other reasons are power in numbers, meaning when there are more people signing up for a trip, the price may go down. Sometimes they offer trips that you may not have thought would be fun or interesting and when you have someone else to share it with…you get adventure.

Is it safer to travel alone or with a group?

There is safety in numbers, so I would say yes, it is safer to travel in a group. If you’re just getting started as a solo traveler this might be a way to get going. If you find that you don’t like group travel, your experience might result in connecting with someone who has your same interests resulting in becoming good travel buddies for future trips.

Will it be safe to travel in summer 2021?

During this first quarter of 2021, the CDC experts and the travel industry are telling us that the safety risks are still high for any travel, due to the Covid Virus. Many modes of travel that we normally use are providing limited services and many are still closed.

If you’re traveling within the United States your opportunities are beginning to open up after the pandemic. Be sure to check the safety guidelines often as you plan. They seem to change daily.

The US State Department has recommended that US citizens do not travel abroad due to the global spread of COVID-19.  Foreign travel is much more risky. If you get sick while traveling in another country, you might not receive the care you need over a local citizen and it may become difficult for you to get back home.

Safe travel for senior, single women requires that you be diligent in your planning. Check the news, research all government websites, ask your travel agent and consider what the CDC is telling us about when, how and where to travel in 2021.

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